Channel: Luke TheNotable
Category: Gaming
Tags: i unlocked dire in one daytier 100 in 1 dayfortnite battle royaletier 100 fortniteiron manand this is howluke thenotablenotableiron man awakeningfortnite how to level up fast battle passthei unlocked luxe in one daylukeluke thenotable fortnitetier 100 1 daytier 100i unlocked vendetta in one dayfortnite challengesfortnitei unlocked ice king in one dayi unlocked iron man in one minute and this is how
Description: Hello Fortnite fans, my name is Luke TheNotable and if you spend too much time reading this description you'll probably miss the video. That's because this season I got Tony Stark and Iron Man insanely quickly, just about 1 minute! I was very low on time this season so I had to use my mom's credit card to get Tomgy Stornk with V-Bucks. Next season I won't have to create a Minecraft movie and will have more time to do these challenges like normal, so subscribe, I'll see ya then! Stay Notable!! Fortnite Support a Creator Tag - "luke-thenotable" #EpicPartner Follow me on Twitter!! - Thumbnail Art - Maeder New T-Shirts HERE -